2023-9-25TPA玖鈞傳動 中秋國慶放假通知!
2023-9-9TPA玖鈞傳動 · 《課堂篇》 半封閉精進型模組
2023-8-1TPA玖鈞傳動 · 《課堂篇》如何避免皮帶斷裂失效
- TPA-HNR-30S-0602C-L148-M-Y-BJ28-F
- TPA-HNR-65S-1610C-L1200-M-Y-P20-N3-F
- TPA-HNR-85S-1610C-L1200-M-Y-P20-N3-F
- TPA-HNR-85D-1610C-L1050-M-Y-P20-N3-F
- TPA-HNR-105D
- TPA-HNR-105D-1610C-L1200-M-Y-P20-N3-F
- TPA-HNR-110D
- TPA-HNR-110D-1610C-L1200-M-Y-P20-N3-F
- TPA-HNR-120D
- TPA-HNR-120D-1610C-L1200-M-Y-P20-N3-F
- TPA-HNR-140D
- TPA-HNR-140D-2010C-L1400-M-Y-P40-N3-F
- TPA-HNR-175D
- TPA-HNR-175D-2510C-L1800-M-Y-P75-N3-F
TPA玖鈞傳動創立于2016年10月,隸屬玖鈞集團,總部坐落在中國·昆山,現有蘇州、深圳、寧波三大研發中心、制造基地;全國擁有十幾處服務據點。產品暢銷 海內外主要有:中國(臺灣)、東南亞、歐美??偵a面積達45000余平方米,在職員工500人+,擁有各類先進設備近400臺+。
注 冊 商 標 T PA , 寓 意 : T PA 玖 鈞 傳 動 在 摸 索 中 “ Tr a n s f e r ” 不 斷 改 變 , 工 作 中 “ P a s s i o n ” 充 滿 激 情 , 發 展 中 “A c t i v e ” 積 極 進 取 , 永 遠 以 昂 揚 的 斗 志 奮 發 向 前 。
TPA玖鈞傳動——專注于高速高精傳動產品,是一家集專業研發、生產、銷售、售后、服務為一體的國家級專精特新“小巨人”企業、國家高新技術企業、江蘇 省級專精特新、省級技術研發中心、江蘇省民營科技企業、昆山市專精特新、智能控制SCARAJ機器人工程技術研究中心。主要產品有:精密傳動部件(精密滾珠絲 桿副、精密直線導軌副)、精密直線模組(日規模組、歐規模組、電動缸、鋼基模組、內嵌式鋁基模組、簡易模組、直線電機、直驅旋轉電機)、氣浮運動控制平臺 系統、磁懸浮智能傳輸系統(磁驅環形線、磁懸浮傳輸系統)。
TPA玖鈞傳動產品主要服務于:汽車、激光、光伏、3C、鋰電、醫療、集成電路、半導體、 數控機床、儲能、軍工等11大產業及其他非標自動化設備;被廣泛應用于取放、搬運、定位、分 類、掃描、檢測、點膠、焊錫等各類作業形式,模塊化的產品滿足客戶多元化的應用場景。
TPA玖鈞傳動將秉承“永遠為伙伴提供優質的服務,有責方遠,利他共贏”的公司使命, 優化產品,不斷創新,始終堅持以高效的運作,優質的產品,精益求精的精神服務客戶。
TPA玖鈞傳動以技術為核心、產品為基礎、市場為導向、出色的服務團隊、打造“TPA玖 鈞傳動 · 智造興邦”的行業新標桿。
TPA motion control was founded in October 2016, affiliated to Jiujun Group,headquartered in Shanghai, China, with three R&D centers in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Suzhou, and two manufacturing bases in East China and South China; The total production area is more than 20,000 square meters, with more than 300 employees and nearly 200 processing equipment of various types.TPA ROBOT was founded in 2016, belongs to Jiujun Group. Our headquartered is in Suzhou, China. We have three R&D centers and three manufacturing bases in Suzhou, Shenzhen and Ningbo, with a total production area of more than 40,000 square meters and more than 500 employees. people, with nearly 400 sets of various advanced equipment.
We specialize in various products of linear motion products, including screw driven axis, belt driven axis, KK axis, built-in rail axis, rack and pinion driven axis, electric cylinders rod type, linear motor, rotary motor, and position tables. Our products mainly serve 3C, laser, semiconductor, photovoltaic, lithium battery and other industries, providing them with pick-and-place, positioning, scanning, dispensing, etc.
TPA ROBOT will adhere to the corporate mission of "responsible for the long-distance, altruistic and win-win", optimize products, continue to innovate, we are committed to providing customers with the most cost-effective, fastest and most stable products and service.